Rural Development and Decent Work: Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation (ILO, 2020)

By September 11, 2020 September 11, 2020 ILO Featured Publications POM, Publications

The ILO and the International Training Centre (ITC-ILO) have developed a series of training programmes for rural and local development policy makers and practitioners based on SouthSouth and Triangular Cooperation modalities. These programmes facilitate dialogue and sharing of experiences amongst constituents and related stakeholders in the Global South on rural development. Practitioners learn about South-South and Triangular Cooperation principles, theory and practice. They then bring these principles into practice by becoming part of the established community of practice on topics related to rural and local development.

One of the key capacity building events in 2019 was the Rural Development Academy “The Future of Work in Rural Economies” that took place in Turin, Italy in December 2019. The Rural Academy offered a wide range of integrated approaches, tools and training packages to promote full and productive employment. It was specially designed for the ILO’s tripartite constituents and practitioners working on rural development.

This compilation of 25 good practices provides exemplary cases of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) in promoting decent work and rural development. These initiatives can be adapted through regional and inter-regional cooperation to address rural development-related challenges ranging from crops technology, solidarity economy, and transforming transport systems for product distribution. All authors were SSTC scholars of the ITC-ILO Rural Development Academy “The Future of Work in Rural Economies”, that took place in Turin, Italy in December 2019. 

Click here to access the link to the publication.