Discussion Summary: UNOSSC-UNDP HDRO Webinar Consultation on HDR 2020

By May 22, 2020 June 17th, 2020 News, Webinars

The webinar consultations for Sustainable Human Development Pathways to inform HDR 2020 held on May 21, 2020, in continuation to the online e-discussion launched on Global Thinkers Platform.  The webinar consultation was co-organized by the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) and United Nations Development Programme Human Development Report Office.

Inputs from the e-discussion from the South-South Global Thinkers community have brought forward diverse and important perspectives. These range from suggested indicators for greening the HDI to ways of leveraging SSC and TrC for addressing climate-related risks. The objective of webinar consultation aimed to further maximize the stakeholder engagement and ensuring inclusive preparation of the HDR 2020. It will also help in enriching and sharpening the focus of the report and ensure that it represents diverse views from the South.

This consultation specifically aimed to: (i) hear stakeholder’s perspectives and experiences from Southern-based think tanks relating to sustainable development pathways, climate change and related sub-themes, identify broad contours, and scope on the specific issues; and (ii) discuss key policy options among the stakeholders, including both national and cross border cooperation through bilateral and multilateral mechanisms. The event was moderated by Ms. Xiaojun Grace Wang, Deputy Director, UNOSSC and featured presentations from the representative of the Southern think-tanks.

For details on the summary of the discussion and recording of the webinar, visit the South-South Global Thinkers Platform.

Video recording of the webinar