The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030)

By June 19, 2020 August 26th, 2020 Publications

The African Union Commission has developed a comprehensive Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa in collaboration with the UN Economic Commission for Africa, Smart Africa, AUDA-NEPAD, Regional Economic Communities, African Development Bank, Africa Telecommunications Union, Africa Capacity Building Foundation, International Telecommunication Union and the World Bank.

The Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa builds on existing initiatives and frameworks to support the development of a Digital Single Market (DSM) for Africa, as part of the integration priorities of the AU. The aim is to serve as a frame of reference in order to achieve the common vision of creating an integrated and inclusive digital society and economy in Africa, that improves the quality of life of its citizens, strengthens and enables the diversification and development of the existing economic sector, and ensures continental ownership, with Africa as a producer and not only a consumer in the global economy

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