Scaling Up Sustainable Finance and Investment in the Global South (CEPR, 2022)

By November 1, 2022 March 20th, 2023 Publications

Creating economically and politically legitimate solutions to tackle climate change is one of the most pressing and challenging issues of our time. For emerging and developing economies, the task is made more difficult due to a lack of financing, increasing debt accumulation and the need to address domestic socio-economic issues.
This eBook by the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) provides a comprehensive overview of the financing gap that emerging and developing countries face to meet the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris climate goals. It provides detailed country- and region-level analysis of the challenges and opportunities of scaling up sustainable finance and investment and discusses the range of instruments that could be used to reach these climate and development objectives.

To access the original post, you can visit the CEPR page here.

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